Jon Rouse
Detective Inspector
Task Force Argos
Queensland Police Service
Detective Inspector Jon Rouse has 30 years operational service with the
Queensland Police Service in Australia and has been an appointed Detective for
24 years, with 15 years devoted to investigating crimes against children.
In 2001 Jon implemented Australia’s first covert operation to target internet child
sex offenders, and for nine years he has led the operations team at Task Force
Argos, a specialist unit responsible for the investigation of child sex offenders.
In 2005 Jon presented at the Australasian police Commissioner’s conference
hosted in Brisbane and gained national support for the development of the ANVIL
project (Australian National Victim Image Library) to assist police officers in the
process of identifying the child victims depicted in video and still images seized
from sex offenders. At the same conference the Commissioners supported Jon’s
recommendation for the implementation of what has now become the ANZPAA
Child Protection Committee, to ensure a national approach to the investigation of
crimes against children.
Jon has delivered training and presentations on online child exploitation
investigations to law enforcement officers across all States and Territories
in Australia and internationally. (New Zealand, France, Finland, Lithuania,
Panama, Columbia, the Ukraine, the Philippines, Korea, Norway, the United
States, Canada, Belgium, Costa Rica, India, Egypt, Chile, Sweden, Brazil,
Taiwan, Thailand, Qatar, Vietnam, China and Spain.
Jon recently spoke on behalf of Australian law enforcement at the United Nations
conferences in Austria and Kenya, and accepted the International Cyber Crime
Gold award on behalf of Task Force Argos in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
He is the recipient of two Commissioners certificates for his leadership and
investigative work, and is the recipient of the Queensland Police Medal, and the
National Service Medal.